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The Flow of Money

last Thursday(1/1/2009) as we all know that loan from ptptn has bank in to our account,, yeppiee!! and u know what i already plan for that money

RM700 -Give to my mom ( duit x salah kasi mak ayah taw! )
RM620 -digital camera Olympus mju 1040
RM156 - Sony mp5 player
RM 45 -micro SD 4gb memory card
RM50 - cooler pad for my laptop
RM20-Pendrive 4 my youngest sister
Rm70-gundam for my youngest brother

haha... that a lot of money but i really have fun coz this all money go to the right place... i been doing all this because i dont what in the past happen again.. i carelessly spend my money to a girl, but up to the end ........................ so i dont want it to happen again, so in that case i now properly flow my PT to the right place.... hehehe... suka tak?

1 Response to "The Flow of Money"

  1. Lea Joe says:
    January 18, 2009 at 5:51 PM

    it's a good work..
    now,you know how to manage your ptptn loan for a good purpose..
    jgn mmbazir.
